Calculus: Multivariable, McCallum, Hughes-Hallett, et al.
With your right hand, point your thumb up, and your index and middle fingers outward perpendicular to each other. Next draw three lines, on in each direction your thumb and fingers are pointing and label them as follows:
Distances with the standard three dimensional coordinate system:
Because of this, an equation for the sphere with center \((a,b,c)\) and radius \(R\) is \((x-a)^2+(y-b)^2+(z-c)^2=r^2.\)
The polar coordinates of a point \(P\) are \((r,\theta)\) where \(r\) is the distance of \(P\) from the origin (\(r\geq 0\)) and \(\theta\) is the angle made with the line connecting \(P\) to the origin and the positive \(x\)-axis (\(0\leq \theta \leq 2\pi\)).
The cylindrical coordinates of a point \(P\) in \(<\mathbb R>^3\) are \((r,\theta ,z)\) where \((r,\theta)\) are the polar coordinates of the projection of \(P\) in the \(xy\)-plane and \(z\) is the \(z\)-coordinate.
The spherical coordinates of a point \(P\) in \(<\mathbb R>^3\) are \((\rho , \theta ,\phi )\) where \(\rho\geq 0\) is the distance of \(P\) from the origin, \(\theta\) is the same as in cylindrical coordinates, and \(\phi\) is the angle between the positive \(z\)-axis and the line segment connecting \(P\) to the origin (\(0\leq \phi \leq \pi\)).
It is often easier to convert to rectangular coordinates to find distances in \(3\)-space.